5-6 bug guy visit
Visit from John the Bug Guy for I’m a survivor topic.
Poetry on a theme
Children writing their own poems about animal cruelty.
Exploring magnets
Year 3 and 4 have been exploring magnets during their Science sessions this term.
SCARF visit 5/6
Friends, cigarettes and alcohol
Performance Poetry
Year 3/4 have been working on their performance poetry skills this week.
Earth Day Y3/4
On Earth Day we found out about how we could change our lifestyles to help repair the earth and make a difference to reduce climate change. We made model houses and on them wrote an action we could take to make a difference. We found out about renewable energy such as wind turbines, then made our own windmills and wrote a set of instructions so that others could make them as well.
Take a look at some of the aeroplanes and hats we've made by following instructions.