Our Christian Values and Distinctiveness, alongside our School Mission Statement of ‘Learning, Growing and Inspiring through God’s Love and Grace’, are at the heart of our curriculum and all that we do at Samlesbury.



Our Art and Design scheme of work aims to inspire pupils and develop their confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art. Our scheme is based on the Kapow Scheme of work which is written by experts in their field and designed to give pupils every opportunity to develop their ability nurture their talents and interests, express their ideas and through about the world as well as learning about art and artists across cultures and art throughout history.

Our Art and Design curriculum supports pupils to meet the national curriculum end of key stage attainment targets and has been written to fully cover the National Society for Education in Art and Design’s progression competencies.

The Kapow Scheme of work, which our Art and design curriculum is based on, is an Artsmark partner and is able to support schools on their Artsmark journey, inspiring children and young people to create, experience and participate in great arts and culture.


The Kapow Art scheme of work, which we follow at Samlesbury, is designed with five strands that run throughout. These are:

  • Generating ideas
  • Using sketchbooks
  • Making skills, including formal elements (line, shape, tone, texture, pattern and colour)
  • Knowledge of artists
  • Evaluating and analysing


Units of lessons are sequential, allowing children to build their skills and knowledge, applying them to a range of outcomes. The formal elements, a key part of the national curriculum, are also woven throughout the units. Key skills are revisited again and again with increasing complexity in a spiral curriculum model. This allows pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Units in each year group are organised into four core areas:

  • Drawing
  • Painting and mixed-media
  • Sculpture and 3D
  • Craft and design

Our Curriculum Overview shows which of our units cover each of the National curriculum attainment targets as well as each of the strands.

Our progression of skills and knowledge shows the skills that are taught within each year group and how these skills develop to ensure that attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage. It also shows how knowledge builds in the formal elements of Art.

Our units fully scaffold and support essential and age-appropriate sequenced learning, and are flexible enough to be adapted to form cross –curricular links with our wider curriculum. Creativity and independent outcomes are robustly embedded into our units, supporting pupils in learning how to make their own creative choices and decisions, so that their art outcomes, whilst still being knowledge-rich, are unique and personal to the pupils.

Lessons are always practical in nature and encourage experimental and exploratory learning with pupils using portfolios to document their ideas. Differentiated guidance is available for every lesson to ensure that lessons can be accessed and enjoyed by all pupils and opportunities to stretch pupils’ learning are available when required. Knowledge organisers for each unit support pupils by providing a highly visual record of the key knowledge and techniques learned, encouraging recall of skills processes, key facts and vocabulary.

The Kapow scheme of work also supports learning through pupil videos created by subject specialist so that pupils can see art techniques modelled by experts, to ensure that the delivery of Art and design at Samlesbury is of the highest quality. Each unit of lessons included multiple teacher videos to develop subject knowledge and support ongoing CPD so that staff are fully supported in all units and can deliver lessons of a high standard that ensure pupil progression.


In the Early Years, the children develop essential basic skills in Art and Design which prepares them as the move on to being a year 1 pupil. This is done by the teacher creating many opportunities for the children to carry out creative activities across all areas of learning. Because we have an infant class (Year R, 1 and 2) it enables the class teacher and teaching assistants, to really build on a child’s experience and outcomes over the three years they are in the same class.

Art and design is taught over alternate half terms with Design Technology and provides full coverage of the National Curriculum.

Our Art and Design scheme of work aims to inspire pupils and develop their confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art. Our scheme is based on the Kapow Scheme of work which is written by experts in their field and designed to give pupils every opportunity to develop their ability nurture their talents and interests, express their ideas and through about the world as well as learning about art and artists across cultures and art throughout history.

Our Art and Design curriculum supports pupils to meet the national curriculum end of key stage attainment targets and has been written to fully cover the National Society for Education in Art and Design’s progression competencies.

The Kapow Scheme of work, which our Art and design curriculum is based on, is an Artsmark partner and is able to support schools on their Artsmark journey, inspiring children and young people to create, experience and participate in great arts and culture.


The Kapow Art scheme of work, which we follow at Samlesbury, is designed with five strands that run throughout. These are:

  • Generating ideas
  • Using sketchbooks
  • Making skills, including formal elements (line, shape, tone, texture, pattern and colour)
  • Knowledge of artists
  • Evaluating and analysing


Units of lessons are sequential, allowing children to build their skills and knowledge, applying them to a range of outcomes. The formal elements, a key part of the national curriculum, are also woven throughout the units. Key skills are revisited again and again with increasing complexity in a spiral curriculum model. This allows pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Units in each year group are organised into four core areas:

  • Drawing
  • Painting and mixed-media
  • Sculpture and 3D
  • Craft and design

Our Curriculum Overview shows which of our units cover each of the National curriculum attainment targets as well as each of the strands.

Our progression of skills and knowledge shows the skills that are taught within each year group and how these skills develop to ensure that attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage. It also shows how knowledge builds in the formal elements of Art.

Our units fully scaffold and support essential and age-appropriate sequenced learning, and are flexible enough to be adapted to form cross –curricular links with our wider curriculum. Creativity and independent outcomes are robustly embedded into our units, supporting pupils in learning how to make their own creative choices and decisions, so that their art outcomes, whilst still being knowledge-rich, are unique and personal to the pupils.

Lessons are always practical in nature and encourage experimental and exploratory learning with pupils using portfolios to document their ideas. Differentiated guidance is available for every lesson to ensure that lessons can be accessed and enjoyed by all pupils and opportunities to stretch pupils’ learning are available when required. Knowledge organisers for each unit support pupils by providing a highly visual record of the key knowledge and techniques learned, encouraging recall of skills processes, key facts and vocabulary.

The Kapow scheme of work also supports learning through pupil videos created by subject specialist so that pupils can see art techniques modelled by experts, to ensure that the delivery of Art and design at Samlesbury is of the highest quality. Each unit of lessons included multiple teacher videos to develop subject knowledge and support ongoing CPD so that staff are fully supported in all units and can deliver lessons of a high standard that ensure pupil progression.


In the Early Years, the children develop essential basic skills in Art and Design which prepares them as the move on to being a year 1 pupil. This is done by the teacher creating many opportunities for the children to carry out creative activities across all areas of learning. Because we have an infant class (Year R, 1 and 2) it enables the class teacher and teaching assistants, to really build on a child’s experience and outcomes over the three years they are in the same class.

Art and design is taught over alternate half terms with Design Technology and provides full coverage of the National Curriculum.


Click here to view National Curriculum for Art and Design


Curriculum Overview

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